Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Veg Box!

Just a quick post to say that Anik and I signed up for a weekly veg box from GrowWild. All the veggies are organic, and every week you get a new selection based on what's best and what's in season! Even better, it's comparable in price to a grocer, and delivered right to our door!

We received our very first box this morning, and so far I am very impressed! We got 2 bananas, 3 delicious-looking apples, some kiwis, some perfect tomatoes, 2 onions, a cucumber, a pepper of some kind, 4 carrots and a giant head of lettuce of some kind. It also came with a bag of salad lettuce. I can't wait to make something delicious out of it!
Looks better than any veg I've picked up in a supermarket before!
Real carrots! With the dirt still on them!
We're also planning on visiting the Farmer's Market this Saturday, which takes place on the terrace of Edinburgh Castle, which I'm pretty sure is going to be amazing regardless of whether I actually purchase anything. So excited! :)

Also, I'm going to give another shout out to my friend Kaitlin, who has her own amazing blog of the healthy eating persuasion. She posts far more often than I do, and also includes the yummy recipes she finds or alters for her sugar-free diet needs. If you're a beef eater, I highly recommend her own burger creation. I had it last night - best burger ever, not even joking! I'm kind of obsessed with it now, I'm already thinking of when the next time I can recreate the deliciousness is.

P.s. I have officially lost over 10lbs! Even with my vacation and unhealthy-ish habits in Disney World, I managed to keep on track, and now that I'm back and cooking, and will start running soon, I'm sure I'll achieve my healthy, FIT, (and perhaps skinny and toned if it's meant to be) body soon! :D


Anonymous said...

First, thank you for the shout-out! More importantly, though, CONGRATS on losing those 10! I can't imagine you have another pound to lose and I bet you look absolutely fantastic.

Losing weight on vacation is no easy task, so nice work. :)

In other news, my word verification below is puzoop. That's funny.

The Beans said...

Man. I want delivery organic veggies, too!

And congrats on losing the ten pounds! My goal is to lose 88...and I've lost 14 1/4 so far.

-French Bean